Salt Lake Community College
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Taylorsville Redwood Campus, Professional Development Center, TB Bldg., Room TB225D-A

All SLCC Supervisors are invited to register to attend.

This session is tailored for supervisors who play a pivotal role in orchestrating organizational changes.

Participants will learn the skills and process necessary for successfully implementing change,focusing on both the process and the human dimension through the models of John P. Kotter and Dr. William Bridges.

Participants will:

-Understand principles of managing through change

-Understand the transition process and how it impacts individuals experiencing change

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

In Person Learning Session


 Taylorsville Redwood Campus

Professional Development Center

Technology Building, Room TB225D-A

Presented By 

Trigena Halley, Peak Performance LLC in partnership with Staff Development

You must register in the MySLCC Employee Experience Training Portal to be able to attend.

If you need ADA accommodations, please contact

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